Friday, 24 January 2014

Worldwide Mission

For the last quarter of a century, Shree Swamiji has been traveling far and wide, awakening hundreds of thousands of seekers. Wherever Swamji goes, he attracts huge audiences. Hearing the profound secrets of the Vedas from him is a rare privilege, for he is able to explain the ancient esoteric knowledge with rigourous scientific logic, in the modern context. Using perfect logic, and a simple-yet-scientific approach, Swamiji offers new ways of understanding and applying the knowledge of the scriptures in our daily lives. The hallmark of his lectures is the ease with which he dispels various myths and misnomers associated with the various paths of God-realization, and his ability to penetrate even the toughest minds and convince them with depth of understanding and scriptural veracity.

Swamiji has been teaching Yoga & Meditation for over 15 years and personally practising it for over 40 years. He is a renouned expert on Meditation techniques and has presented them to a worldwide audience in the last many years at various forums. He is also the author of many books and articles on Yoga, Meditation and Pranayam.

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