Friday, 28 February 2014

Bhajans & Kirtans

The most invaluable treasure attainable in the human form is Selfless Divine Love. This Divine love is the culmination of all spiritual knowledge. It is experienced not through the intellect, but through the heart. When our heart melts for our Beloved Lord, an intense longing for His Divine Vision develops. This cleanses the mirror of the mind and destroys its negativities. The consciousness is united with God in love, and the devotee experiences perfect Bliss.   In his programs, Swamiji chants the sweetest bhajans that inspire devotional love and transport the consciousness to subliminal heights. Kirtans in Swamiji’s voice.

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Swami Mukundananda


Swami Mukundananda ji’s has a God-gifted ability to keep all kinds of audiences enthralled and entertained through wisdom filled anecdotes, humorous stories and irrefutable logic. He has inspired innumerable people, of all ages, towards the path of God Realization, the world over. Swamiji’s warmth and humility touch all those who have the fortune to have his association. The very presence of Swami Mukundananda radiates Grace and Bliss.

Monday, 10 February 2014

Founder of the System of Jagadguru Kripaluji Yog

Shree Swami Mukundananda has founded many organizations in India with permanent centers and ashrams, such as Jagadguru Kripalu Yog Trust, India, Radha Govind Dham, Delhi, Radha Krishna Bhakti Mandir, Cuttack, Radha Govind Dham, Berhampur, Shyama Shyam Dham, Jajpur, Radha Govind Dham, Parla Khemundi, Radha Govind Dham, Karanjia, etc. In USA, Swamiji has inspired the formation of Jagadguru Kripaluji Yog, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. In the space of a few years, JKYog centers have opened throughout the length and breadth of USA. For more information on Jagadguru Kripalu Yog, click here. Swamiji cares deeply about imparting Hindu cultural and religious values to the younger generation, especially in the West. Towards this end, he has conceived a special Personality Development program for children and young adults. This program is called “The Bal-Mukund Playground for Vedic Wisdom.” It includes character building, yog, meditation, devotional singing and religious training. Many Bal-Mukund centers have been started for the benefit of children, both in USA and in India.

Sunday, 9 February 2014

Swami Mukundananda Bhajans

Swami Mukundananda Bhajans

The most invaluable treasure attainable in the human form is Selfless Divine Love. This Divine love is the culmination of all spiritual knowledge. It is experienced not through the intellect, but through the heart. When our heart melts for our Beloved Lord, an intense longing for His Divine Vision develops. This cleanses the mirror of the mind and destroys its negativities. The consciousness is united with God in love, and the devotee experiences perfect Bliss. In his programs, Swamiji chants the sweetest bhajans that inspire devotional love and transport the consciousness to subliminal heights. Click here to listen kirtan in Swamiji’s voice.

Friday, 7 February 2014

Scriptural Confusions Dispelled


The ancient Hindu scriptures like the Vedas, Upanishads, Shreemad Bhagavatam, Bhagavad Gita, Ramayan, etc. are all treasure houses of Divine knowledge. They were either directly spoken by God in his various descensions on earth, or were inspired by him in the hearts of the Saints. But when these great scriptures are read individually, they appear to have many contradictions. This has led to much confusion in the minds of people. In his lectures, Swami Mukundananda answers such questions which have always puzzled people and shows the clear, simple truth. Some of the confusions and contradictions which he addresses are:

1. a) God can never be seen or understood by our material senses and intellect because He is Divine.
    b) God can be seen, attained and understood, even through our material senses and intellect. The God-realized Saints in the past have done so.

2. a) God is attained through His Grace, and not through our self-effort.
    b) Unless we exert effort and do sadhana, we cannot attain God.

3. a) Everything happens by the will of God. Without his inspiration, not even a leaf can move.
    b) We are responsible for our own actions. God is only an impartial judge of our activities.

4. a) What we get in this life is the consequence of our actions in past lives. We are all controlled by our destiny.
    b) We all have the free-will to act. We are the makers of our own destiny.

5. a) This world is mithya or unreal since it is made of maya.
    b) This world is satya or real, and necessary for the maintenance of the body. Without it we cannot live.

6. a) Liberation from material bondage is the ultimate goal of spirituality.
    b) The desire for liberation is a selfish desire, and only when we give it up can we attain pure Divine love.

7. a) Service to man is service to God. One who performs his worldly duties sincerely, does not need to worship God.
    b) Devotion to God is not the same as the performance of worldly duties. It must be separately accomplished.

8. a) Our surrender and single-minded devotion should be towards God alone.
    b) Unless we surrender to a Guru, we cannot reach God.

9. a) The aim of meditation is to think of God and establish the mind in God.
    b) The aim of meditation is to stop the thinking process and quiet the mind. Click here to Swamiji’s lecture.

Monday, 3 February 2014

Lecture Topics

His lectures cover the teachings of the Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavatam, Puranas, Bhagavad Geeta, Ramayan, and other Eastern and Western philosophies. Like the true disciple of a true master, Swami Mukundananda masterfully quotes from scriptures of different religions, to satisfy even the most discerning of knowledge seekers. He also reveals the simple and straightforward way of God-realization which can be practiced by anyone. Another special feature about his lectures is that he establishes every spiritual truth through scriptural quotations, irrefutable logic and humorous real-life illustrations. His wisdom filled anecdotes, humorous stories and clarity has the audience both enthralled and entertained for the entire duration of his lecture! The discourses offered by Swamiji are specially designed for those people who have unanswered questions about spirituality, and are looking for satisfactory answers. Some of the questions addressed in his lectures are:

  • What is the goal of life?
  • We are all searching for happiness, yet we remain discontented. Why?
  • What is the nature of God? Why is He beyond our intellect, mind and senses?
  • What is the Grace of God? How is it attained?
  • What is sharanagati or surrender to God?
  • Why do we experience lust, anger, greed, envy, illusion etc.? How can they beconquered?
  • The Vedas mention three paths to God-realization: karm, gyan and bhakti. What is the difference between them?
  • who is qualified for which path?
  • Do all paths of karm, gyan and bhakti lead to the same goal or different goals?
  • Is it possible to attain God even while staying in household life?
  • What is the karm yog of the Bhagavad Gita?
  • What is the difference between the worship of the personal and the impersonal forms of God?
  • What is Divine love and how is it different from worldly love?
  • How can one establish a personal relationship with God?
  • What is the basis for choosing one’s worshipped form of God?
  • What do the scriptures say about the need for a Spiritual Master? How do we recognize a genuine Guru?
  • What is meditation? How and when should Sadhana (devotional practice) be done ?